Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why Japanese

I chose to study Japanese because I lived in Tokyo for three years when I was younger, but I have since forgotten most of the language. It’s funny to look back at old home videos and not understand what five-year-old me was rambling on about. Partly because I love the culture and partly because I want to watch the original Pokemon series in Japanese, I’ve decided to study this language. I’ve enjoyed my first two weeks of lessons; I’m excited to learn more Japanese grammar. I’m most scared of learning kanji because I'm afraid I will confuse Japanese characters with Chinese characters. Well, here goes nothing! I’m going to try my best (がんばれ)! 


  1. I think Kanji is terrifying because different words are unique.

    I grew up with Pokemon too, but in English. Won't ever be watching it in Japanese (same with Dragon Ball Z!).


  2. 僕は東京中野区と京都伏見区に住みました。が昔を懐かしみます。。。
