Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Manga & Me

わたしはまんががだいすけです。One of my favourites in the しょじょgenre is いまどき。I know it sounds really cheesy to like しょじょ, but it's one of my guilty pleasures. いまどき in English means "nowadays." I thought this was a fitting title because when I first got to Canada, I really missed my home in とうきょうso I read まんが online. まんがをよみました。Reading this series always made me think that "nowadays" my life is so different from what it was before. わたしはとうきょうにすんでいました。This served as one of the only connections to my childhood in Japan, and to this day I still get really nostalgic when I read まんが or watch アニメ。


  1. わたしもまんががだいすけです! I have read いまどき as well. I enjoy reading romance/comedy まんが。 Do you read your まんが online or do you buy them? What other まんが series do you like (completed or not)?

  2. わたしもまんがすきですよ!Card Captor さくら is one of my favorites. しょうじょうはすごいです。I love laughs and happy endings in まんが, so しょうじょうはいちばんです。いまどき、I watch しょうじょうアニメ to cheer me up when だいがく stress gets me down. ^_^

  3. あにめじゃない!機動戦士ガンダムはすごいですよ。

    I was watching it before the semester started. Vampire Hunter D is also another favorite of mine :]

  4. @Akiko Iwamizu: I used to read まんが online, but I'm hoping after taking a few years of Japanese I'll be able to read the original paper versions! I also like Marmalade Boy, if you know that one.
